Pacientes produtores ativos de saúde (prosumo)

Essa avalanche de informações e conhecimento relacionada à saúde e despejada todos os dias sobre os indivíduos sem a menor cerimônia varia muito em termos de objetividade e credibilidade. Porém, é preciso admitir que ela consegue atrair cada vez mais a atenção pública para assuntos de saúde - e muda o relacionamento tradicional entre médicos e pacientes, encorajando os últimos a exercer uma atitude mais participativa na relação. Ironicamente, enquanto os pacientes conquistam mais acesso às informações sobre saúde, os médicos têm cada vez menos tempo para estudar as últimas descobertas científicas ou para ler publicações da área - on-line ou não -, e mesmo para se comunicar adequadamente com especialistas de áreas relevantes e/ou com os próprios pacientes. Além disso, enquanto os médicos precisam dominar conhecimentos sobre as diferentes condições de saúde de um grande número de pacientes cujos rostos eles mal conseguem lembrar, um paciente instruído, com acesso à internet, pode, na verdade, ter lido uma pesquisa mais recente do que o médico sobre sua doença específica. Os pacientes chegam ao consultório com paginas impressas contendo o material que pesquisaram na internet, fotocópias de artigos da Physician's Desk Reference, ou recorte de outras revistas e anuários médicos. Eles fazem perguntas e não ficam mais reverenciando a figura do médico, com seu imaculado avental branco. Aqui as mudanças no relacionamento com os fundamentos profundos do tempo e conhecimento alteraram completamente a realidade médica. Livro: Riqueza Revolucionária - O significado da riqueza no futuro


Aviso! A maioria das drogas psiquiátricas pode causar reações de abstinência, incluindo reações emocionais e físicas com risco de vida. Portanto, não é apenas perigoso iniciar drogas psiquiátricas, também pode ser perigoso pará-las. Retirada de drogas psiquiátricas deve ser feita cuidadosamente sob supervisão clínica experiente. [Se possível] Os métodos para retirar-se com segurança das drogas psiquiátricas são discutidos no livro do Dr. Breggin: A abstinência de drogas psiquiátricas: um guia para prescritores, terapeutas, pacientes e suas famílias. Observação: Esse site pode aumentar bastante as chances do seu psiquiatra biológico piorar o seu prognóstico, sua família recorrer a internação psiquiátrica e serem prescritas injeções de depósito (duração maior). É mais indicado descontinuar drogas psicoativas com apoio da família e psiquiatra biológico ou pelo menos consentir a ingestão de cápsulas para não aumentar o custo do tratamento desnecessariamente. Observação 2: Esse blogue pode alimentar esperanças de que os familiares ou psiquiatras biológicos podem mudar e começar a ouvir os pacientes e se relacionarem de igual para igual e racionalmente. A mudança de familiares e psiquiatras biológicos é uma tarefa ingrata e provavelmente impossível.

terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

Dr. Breggin rides again: the dangers of psychiatric drugs

Dr. Breggin rides again: the dangers of psychiatric drugs

As I’ve demonstrated in previous articles, none of the conditions (“mental disorders”) for which these destructive chemicals are prescribed are legitimate. That is, there are zero objective and defining tests for any mental disorder diagnosis.
Jon Rappoport’s Blog
February 24, 2014
By Jon Rappoport
In court, the tide may be turning against psychiatric-drug damage.
A recent jury decision, in which Dr. Peter Breggin testified as an expert witness, highlighted the extreme danger of the drugs.
The civil case was filed on behalf of a boy diagnosed with autism, who was then dosed with antidepressants and anti-psychotic medications (Risperdal and Zyprexa).
The boy developed two conditions, called tardive dyskinesia and tardive akathisia. Dr, Breggin’s website ( depicts these conditions:
“Tardive dyskinesia describes a group of persistent or permanent movement disorders caused by antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs including Risperdal, Zyprexa, Invega, Abilify, Geodon, Seroquel, Latuda, Fanapt and Saphris. In addition to typical tardive dyskinesia spasms and twitches of his face, eyelids, and tongue, the youngster developed a severe case of tardive akathisia involving torturous internal agitation that drove him into constant, unrelenting motion.”
Tardive dyskinesia can most definitely indicate motor brain damage. (See Breggin, Toxic Psychiatry)
In this civil suit, the Chicago jury came back with a judgment against the treating psychiatrist, Howard Segal.
The jury award was $1.5 million.
(Angel v. Segal, State of Illinois, Circuit Court, Cook County. Law Division No.09L 3496)
Dr. Breggin was an expert witness in an even more surprising case (2012), in which a psychiatric-drug-induced suicide was acknowledged by a Syracuse, New York, jury.
The jury awarded $1.5 million to the family of Joseph Mazella.
Dr. Breggin, on his Huffington Post blog, offers this description:
“Mr. Mazella was a 51-year-old revered high school basketball coach, teacher and assistant principal; and his self-inflicted death was unexpected and shocking to those who knew him and to the Syracuse community.
“…I found that a glaring negligence had been committed in the case. Family physician William Beals, M.D., who had a reputation for treating psychiatric and addiction patients, had prescribed Paxil for Mr. Mazella for 10 years without seeing him. When Mr. Mazella began to feel anxious and depressed again, on Aug. 9, 2009 he and his wife telephoned the doctor, who was reportedly on vacation on Cape Cod. Despite having no contact with the patient for a decade, by telephone Dr. Beals doubled his Paxil from 20 mg to 40 mg and added the antipsychotic drug, Zyprexa (olanzapine). This began an escalating decline in his mental condition that ended a little more than one month later with his suicide.”
Both these cases were suits against doctors. They weren’t built to go up against the drug manufacturers.
However, in significant measure owing to Dr. Breggin’s work, millions and millions of people are waking up to the fact that the drug companies are engaged in a form of chemical assault against the global population.
The medical front men for these companies affect an arrogant pose of certainty about the drugs’ benefits.
But the charade is falling apart.
As I’ve demonstrated in previous articles, none of the conditions (“mental disorders”) for which these destructive chemicals are prescribed are legitimate. That is, there are zero objective and defining tests for any mental disorder diagnosis.
No saliva, blood, urine, or hair test. No brain scan. No genetic assay.
If there were such tests, they would listed as definitive in the bible of the psychiatric profession, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
They’re not there.
Everything else is PR: “getting closer;” “new breakthrough;” “promising progress;” “step forward;” “innovative technology.”
Psychiatrists have been uttering these homilies for 40 years.
They’re no more compelling than, “Buy one now and get the second one free. And that’s not all…”
Warning: sudden withdrawal from any psychiatric drug can create highly dangerous effects on a patient. See for information about this subject.

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