In my book
The Bitterest Pills,
I wrote of how many psychiatrists simply do not want to face up to the
harms their treatments can produce. This is illustrated by the way the
psychiatric establishment tried to avoid the implications of
tardive dyskinesia,
by suggesting it was a symptom of ‘schizophrenia,’ and ignoring the
evidence that tardive dyskinesia involves cognitive impairment.
Similarly, when it became obvious that some of the second generation
antipsychotics caused massive weight gain and metabolic disturbance,
mainstream psychiatric journals published articles suggesting that
diabetes was linked with schizophrenia as well.
The suggestion that antipsychotics reduce brain volume is not new. Psychiatrist,
Peter Breggin,
made this claim over thirty years ago (1), but was dismissed as a
crank. Over the last 10 years, however, the evidence has become
irrefutable. Some leading members of the psychiatric establishment, like
the UK’s
Robin Murray, have even publicised their concern about it (2).
Coupled with, and possibly linked to this evidence of harm, doubts
have started to mount that the benefits of long-term treatment with
antipsychotics have not been as firmly established as is generally
believed. The inadequacies of randomised trials of maintenance treatment
have been highlighted, and the fact that there is little data on the
overall impact of drug treatment when it is taken over the long periods
of time that many patients are prescribed it for. Some evidence points
towards the possibility that some people may do better if they stop or
reduce their antipsychotic tretament, rather than continue on it
long-term. These points have been raised by several mainstream
psychiatrists (2;3), as well as the usual suspects, including me (4;5)!
The paper by Donald Goff and seven other leading psychiatrists published in the
American Journal of Psychiatry on 5th May
is an attempt to rebut these concerns and re-establish the good
reputation of antipsychotics (6). I am shocked by how the article
dismisses concerns about long-term treatment and evidence of brain
impacts. It is riddled with distortions, ignores the most pressing
criticisms, and is shot through with the unexamined presumption that the
multitude of problems currently labelled as schizophrenia or psychosis
will one day be revealed to be due to a specific brain abnormality that
is targeted by antipsychotics.
While I would not dispute the usefulness of antipsychotics for the
treatment of acute psychosis (in many, though not all situations),
decades of research into early intervention has not demonstrated that
early antipsychotic treatment improves long-term outcomes. Goff et al’s
suggestion that the Norwegian Early Detection study (known as the
TIPS study)
showed improved long-term outcomes with earlier antipsychotic treatment
is not borne out by the paper they cite (7). Although the paper shows
lower levels of negative symptoms, cognitive and depressive symptoms at
the two year follow-up in people from the area with the Early Detection
programme compared to those in areas without the programme, baseline
data demonstrate that people in the Early Detection area had milder
conditions, with fewer negative symptoms to begin with. In fact negative
symptoms declined more in people from the area without the Early
Detection programme! Moreover, the Early Detection group showed no
benefit in terms of remission, relapse or positive symptoms.
Goff et al state that ‘the effectiveness of maintenance treatment for
prevention of relapse has been well established’, but they do not
acknowledge how there are no prospective randomised trials of
maintenance treatment, only studies of maintenance treatment versus
usually sudden withdrawal of maintenance treatment. Thus they
completely fail to address concerns that effects of withdrawal of
long-term treatment inevitably confound such studies. They also fail to
mention the dearth of long-term data from randomised trials. Only 6 of
the 65 trials in
Leucht et al’s 2012 meta-analysis lasted longer than one year (8).
They correctly point out that results of naturalistic studies, like
Martin Harrow’s long-term follow-up of people from Chicago (9), and the
Finnish cohort study
(10), are affected by the fact that patients who stop antipsychotics
successfully are likely to have less severe conditions. However, they
also claim that two other naturalistic studies found ‘improved outcomes
in people with schizophrenia in people who continued antipsychotic
treatment with those who did not’. Yet the papers cited refer to quite
different sorts of studies, with neither presenting any data on global
outcomes or social functioning, and only one involving the sort of
follow-up periods of the Finnish and Chicago studies. One of the papers
referred to looked at rehospitalisation rates within 3 years of
antipsychotic discontinuation in a national database (11), and the other
looked at mortality rates (12) (also see the extensive critique of this
paper by
De Hert et al, 2010 (13)).
The most worrying thing about the Goff et al paper, however, is the
minimisation of the evidence that antipsychotics produce brain
shrinkage. First the authors claim that shrinkage of brain
grey matter
has been shown to be part of schizophrenia. They trot out the old adage
that brain differences were detected long before the introduction of
antipsychotics. The paper they cite here is a post mortem study
published in 1985, long after antipsychotics had been introduced (14).
air encephalography studies
that properly pre-date the introduction of antipsychotics involved
long-term institutionalised patients who had been heavily treated with
various sedative drugs along with physical treatments such as
ECT and
insulin coma therapy.
Although these are commonly referred to as evidence that people with
schizophrenia have smaller brains and larger brain ventricles, in fact
the only two which had proper control groups showed no difference
between brains of people with schizophrenia and brains of people without
In any case, the presence of differences between the brains of people
with schizophrenia and controls does not establish that there is
progression of brain volume loss, which is what has been clearly
demonstrated in people and animals taking antipsychotics. There are no
studies that show progressive brain changes in people with diagnosed
schizophrenia or psychosis in the absence of antipsychotic treatment.
The authors cite one report from a group in Edinburgh suggesting
progressive brain loss in people at
‘high risk of psychosis’
prior to receiving antipsychotic treatment (17). However, this study
finds subtle changes in some regions in a very small number of patients,
not the cortex-wide loss of grey matter observed in people and animals
taking antipsychotics.
Goff et al also cite a paper which showed decreases in grey matter
volume in eight people following antipsychotic discontinuation compared
to eight people who continued taking antipsychotics. However, the
changes were localised to the
putamen and
nucleus accumbens, components of the
basal ganglia,
which other studies have shown to be enlarged during treatment with
antipsychotics. Far from concluding that the study is evidence ‘that
volume changes reflect progression of illness’ as Goff et al suggest (P
5), the authors of the discontinuation paper concluded that
‘discontinuation reverses effects of atypical medication’ (18).
When describing the animal studies that show antipsychotic induced
brain volume reductions (19;20), Goff et al suggest that ‘the relevance
of findings in rodents and monkeys to the treatment of psychosis in
humans is unclear, both because of species related differences, and
because animals lack the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. It is
possible that antipsychotics have deleterious effects on normal brain,
but protective effects in the presence of schizophrenia-related
neuropathology’ (P 6). Anything is possible, but this is just a leap of
faith, and one that is completely at odds with the
Hippocratic oath
to ‘first do no harm!’ Monkeys and rats were chosen for these studies
because of their similarities to human biology. There is no good reason
at present to assume that the effects demonstrated in these animals
would not occur in a similar species i.e. us! And there is no evidence
that antipsychotics have different effects on the brains of people with
and without schizophrenia – although of course such evidence would be
very difficult to obtain. I agree with Goff et al that these changes
have not been definitively linked with effects on actual mental
functioning, and that we need further data on this, but as they
correctly suggest, ‘most but not all’ current studies show that brain
volume reductions are correlated with decreased intellectual
I still think antipsychotics can be useful, and that the benefits of
treatment can outweigh the disadvantages, even in the longterm for some
people. However, it does no one any service to pretend that they are
innocuous substances that somehow magically transform (hypothetically)
abnormal schizophrenic brains back to normal. Psychiatrists need to be
fully aware of the detrimental effects of antipsychotics on the brain
and body. They also need to acknowledge the way these drugs make life so
miserable for many people, even for some who might have been even more
distressed were they to be without them, something that is well
described in
Miriam Larssen-Barr’s recent blog on the
Mad in America website.
Psychiatrists need to support people to evaluate the pros and cons of
antipsychotic treatment for themselves and to keep doing this as they
progress through different stages of their problems. To do this
psychiatrists need to be able to acknowledge the real nature of these
drugs, and not sweep inconvenient truths under the carpet!
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